12 октября 2010 года в12.10.2010 17:44 1 0 10 1

У кого-то the same feelings…

kira!!!!!!!!! ti kaneis?
- Hey, Ananstasia!! how are you?oh..my first lesson has to be tomorrow..but Im not sure..Im fine but tired(- nice! - and you? - the same -how is your study? - fine! but tiring… -yes..I want summer) how is the weather?) - rainy but warm about 20 degrees and how is in Prague? -oh..sun is shining in Prague but it is cold - oh! i miss this cold - yes..I miss this life..we saw new Erasmus.. - oh nice! -we wil go to Berlin in weekend.. they are not like your Erasmus I think ( - great! it is fantastic -I dont remember their names!- you will have a great time there -I hope because I want something new, Im tired from study but it will be cold- yes1! nice! i like cold weather sometimes…. - Yes sometimes me too) to drink hot tea or coffee, so cosy)) I want to see rain in Athens or Thesaloniki) - are you still in hostivar? haha come -no, in the flat, but we visited it)  :) - where is your flat? - 4 stations from Andel, do you remember Andel?) - of course - I want to go to Greece with Erasmus on the next year) - i remember everything i will never forget yessss come! -the best time… - yes the best time in my life till now - I want to go on the recepcion met you and Fani and to talk about everything, about Greece, Russia…and then to go to the party…- i miss everything….. it's difficult to be far from Prague - for me first time in September was veryyy difficult..to go in the citycentr, see known places and remember everything and everybody..- i can feel that it's strange i feel so bad sometimes can't believe that i won't live it again -Oh..my dear..sometimes me too..I met so many friendly people in this year..but Im happy that we dont forget each other and believe that we can met again!I study near Red Room. every day I see it and remember evening with my favorite greek friends))) - …………. - mmm…Anastasia, please, dont worry..we have to believe in the best future..I understand you..sometimes I think about this time and cant t say myself "don't worry! Life goes on!"- i know i try to think the same this was only the start! - yes!!)) I like your album @Erasmus in Chalkidiki@))) greek community - George wrote))) - yes..


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