Anastassia, I have to explain something to you urgent. In these couple of days I have sth ınsıde that force me to think about you. I couldnt avoid ıt. It ıs sth lıke cancer grow. For me a right person must be logical, emotinonal, compassionate, ambitious, clever, modest. In my observation I find all this ın your character. Nobody can deny these. I have to also add your natural beauty and smiling. I feel sth (very strong) towards you. In my culture we love a girl with all of our parts and soul. Also we never give up ıf she doesnt want. In there I see lots of people behave wıth their hormons toward her/him. I hate from this stiuation I hate also even hold another gırl hand that I dont fall ın love. I lıke to behave with logic and emotion. Thats my philosophy. I think seriously. Can you give me a chance? I am looking forward to you answer.
Please forgive me to explain what I feel. I wıll be glad if you keep this like a secret.
* It's a bad situation. Really really bad.
Ну почему всё всегда так! Почему жизнь так жестока. Почему она заставляет кого-то чувствовать, а кого-то оставляет равнодушным.