09 июля 2012 года в09.07.2012 11:56 0 0 10 5


Day 12: Your favorite song and music video from Meteora.

Песня: Breaking The Habit

I don’t know what’s worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don’t know why I instigate
And say what I don’t mean
I don’t know how I got this way
I’ll never be alright
So I’m
Breaking the habit
I’m breaking the habit

Клип: From the Inside (x)

I take everything from the inside
And throw it all away
'Cause I swear/ for the last time
I won't trust myself with you

Day 13: Your favorite song and music video from Minutes To Midnight.

Песня: Bleed It Out

Here we go for the hundredth time
hand grenade pins in every line
throw 'em up and let something shine
going out of my fuckin mind
filthy mouth / no excuse
find a new place to hang this noose

Клип: Leave Out All The Rest (x)

I dreamed i was missing
you were so scared
but no one would listen
cause no one else cared
after my dreaming
i woke with this fear
what am i leaving
when i'm done here
so if you're asking me i want you to know

Day 14: Your favorite song and music video from A Thousand Suns.

Песня: The Catalyst

God bless us everyone,
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought,
It can't be outdone,
It can't be outmatched,
It can't be outrun

Клип: Waiting For The End (x)

Waiting for the end to come / wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It's out of my control
Flying at the speed of light / thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go


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