29 июня 2012 года в29.06.2012 13:28 2 0 10 4

One thing about me is that I’m really hesitant to talk about the meanings of the songs. There are two reasons and they’re very specific and simple. The first is that I’m just a private person and I don’t want to stick my family and my issues out there into the world. I just think that’s unfair. The second is: we released a song a while back and Rob and I were doing some interviews. I talked about the meaning in more detail than I had done before and, afterwards, Rob told me that he thought the song was about something completely different. For him, I’d taken away from the song a little bit. He no longer had his connection with it. I don’t want to put people in Rob’s position. I don’t want people to feel “wrong” about a song.

— Mike Shinoda for Kerrang


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