“Imagine: you’re a little fairy and you’re skipping through the forest with a little lantern in your hand, when suddenly you bump into three gnomes. One of them’s called Eelco and he asks you the way to the nearest brothel. Would you show them the way? Alex Turner: ‘To makes things less complicated I’ll assume I know the way. That I’m a clever fairy. But then, since I’m a clever little fairy, I would wisely tell them that it’s not about the destination so much as the road leading towards it. This all, of course, neatly in rhymed verse. It’s a lesson in life. A ‘rite de passage’ in the life of a gnome. One should fine one’s own way. I might just send them away with a cryptical message, which, when solved, would point them in the right direction. I’m also assuming that the lantern is, in fact, lit. Otherwise I would have to carefully re-think this whole thing.”