13 февраля 2010 года в13.02.2010 23:35 2 0 10 2

Happy Valentines Day, Bitch.

I love the contours of your skin,
every nook and every hole.
I love the thoughts inside your head,
I love the fire in your soul.

I love the crust beside your eyelids,
the stuff between your toes.
I love the tears that you cry,
and how they glide towards your nose.

I love the way you that breathe,
every single little breath.
I love the way you that scream,
when i’m choking you to death.

I am the one you abandoned,
I am the one you ignored.
Everything you ever done,
I fucking loved and I adored.

I love the softness of your skin,
it’s so easy to divide.
I’ll take you to the sea,
and we willl wait for the tide.

I’ve found what I was looking for,
I’ve found a way of release.
I throw you off the pier now,
piece by piece by piece.

Anthony Elkin

не поленитесь почитать и перевести.

шикаарен. :D


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