17 июня 2012 года в17.06.2012 13:50 5 0 10 1

THE MAGIC BEGINS - A Harry Potter Challenge »

чувствую, что буду некоторые дни убирать, некоторые вставлять, так что сюда буду закидывать дни ссылками по мере их написания

1 - Favourite character

2 - Favourite book

3 - Favourite movie

4 - Favourite ship.
5 - Favourite house/your house.
6 - Most powerful quote/favourite lines.
7 - Favourite scene.
8 - A scene you really wanted to be in the movies, but wasn’t.
9 - A character you feel the need to defend.
10 - Saddest scene.
11 - A character death you wish didn’t happen.
12 - Favourite canon ship/couple.
13 - Favourite Wizarding Family.
14 -Favourite villain/anti-hero/antagonist.
15 - Dreamcast for your favourite character(s).
16 -Favourite scenery/locations.
17 - Favourite marauder.
18 - A ship you like, but you think everyone else doesn’t.
19 - Funniest moment.
20 - Favourite Professor.
21 - Favourite spell/curse.
22 - Favourite patronus/your patronus.
23 - Dumbledore’s Army? The Order of the Phoenix? or The Death Eaters?
24 - Scariest scene/character.
25 - Favourite class.
26 - A really emotional scene/moment.
27 - Favourite friendship.
28 - A ship you wish everyone else is into.
29 - A character you’d like to see more of on your dashboard.
30 - Favourite memory of the HP fandom. (This can be in text form)


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