12 мая 2012 года в12.05.2012 18:43 1 0 10 13

Paul McCartney

Я даже не представляю какую музыку вы слушали в детстве, но отлично помню какую слушала я. Мой папа любит Битлз и в дестве я слушала старого доброго Пола Маккартни. Мало вероятно, что вы слышали это песни, т.к. они записаны с группой Wings, но для меня они навсегда останутся самыми любимыми.

Heart of the Country

Heart of the country
Where the holy people grow,
Heart of the country,
Smell the grass in the meadow

Deliver Your Children

Deliver your children to the good good life
Give'em peace and shelter and a fork and knife

Shine a light in the morning and a light at night

And if a thing goes wrong you'd better make it right

Must Do Something About It

Played another losing cardgame with myself.
Lonely joker on ashalf,
And I must do something about it,
Yes I must do something about it.

Monkberry Moon Delight

Well, I know my banana is older than the rest
And my hair is a tangled beretta (beretta, beretta… ;)
When I leave my pajamas to Billy Budapest
And I don’t get the gist of your letter (your letter, your letter… ;).

Mrs. Vandebilt

When your light is on the blink,
You never think of worrying,
What's the use of worrying?
When your bus has left the stop,
You'd better drop your hurrying,
What's the use of hurrying?


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