11 мая 2012 года в11.05.2012 22:12 2 0 10 1


‘Stelena happened because of Damon’

‘Elena only loves Stefan because she met him first, thats why she chose him’

I get you’re annoyed, but don’t come up with delusional excuses as to why Elena didn’t choose Damon. The fact of the matter is she loves Stefan for who he is, not because they met first and for saving her life.

The only thing this season has proved to me is that Elena’s attraction to Damon is the ~danger~ and that only, which is disturbing. And even that doesn’t make sense since the foundation of de’s relationship is pretty much Elena trying to change Damon and make him ‘good’.. yet again terrible writing that makes no sense. Even when trying to change him into a Stefan 2.0, it still wasn’t enough. As long as Stefan’s in the picture, Damon will always the second option, no matter what forced bullshit the writers throw in. The reasoning they have for justifying de is Elena likes danger and because they met first? That’s what Damon & Elena represent? lol. Elena chose Stefan, what does meeting Damon first have anything to do with who she loves more? Not to mention now shes a vamp it will magnify her love for Stefan. And I guess you could also say that from this epsiode, Stefan is Elena’s humanity.

Stefan makes her glad that she’s alive and make’s her want to live. She can never unfall for him, no matter what she feels for Damon. So why drag this triangle out even longer and ruin the show even more than they already have?


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