07 мая 2012 года в07.05.2012 10:24 1 0 10 13

OneRepublic -Marching on

For those days we felt like a mistake,
Those times when love's what you hate,
We keep marching on.
For those nights when I couldn't be there,
I've made it harder to know that you know,
That somehow,
We'll keep moving on.

There's so many wars we fought,
There's so many things we're not,
But with what we have,
I promise you that,
We're marching on
For all of the plans we've made,
There isn't a flag I'd wave,
Don't care if we bend,
I'd sink us to swim,
We're marching on,

For those doubts that swirl all around us,
For those lives that tear at the seams,
We know,
We're not what we've seen,
For this dance we'll move with each other.
There ain't no other step than one foot,
Right in front of the other.

We'll have the days we break,
And we'll have the scars to prove it,
We'll have the bonds that we save,
But we'll have the heart not to lose it.
For all of the times we've stopped,
For all of the things I'm not.
We put one foot in front of the other,
We move like we ain't got no other,
We go when we go


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