04 мая 2012 года в04.05.2012 19:23 10 0 10 1


Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone(Гарри Поттер и Философский Камень)
01. Prologue
02. Harry's Wondrous World
03. The Arrival of Baby Harry
04. Visit to the Zoo / Letters from Hogwarts
05. Diagon Alley / The Gringotts Vault
06. Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters / The Journey to Hogwarts
07. Entry into the Great Hall / The Banquet
08. Mr. Longbottom Flies
09. Hogwarts Forever! / The Moving Staircase
10. The Norwegian Ridgeback / Change of Season
11. The Quidditch Match
12. Christmas at Hogwarts
13. The Invisibility cloak / The Library Scene
14. Fluffy's Harp
15. In the Devil's Snare / The Flying Keys
16. The Chess Game
17. The Face of Voldemort
18. Leaving Hogwarts
19. Hedwig's Theme

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets(Гарри Поттер и Тайная Комната)
01. Prologue. Book II And The Escape From The Dursleys
02. Fawkes The Phoenix
03. The Chamber Of Secrets
04. Gilderoy Lockhart
05. The Flying Car
06. Knockturn Alley
07. Introducing Colin
08. The Dueling Club
09. Dobby The House Elf
10. The Spiders
11. Moaning Myrtle
12. Meeting Aragog
13. Fawkes Is Reborn
14. Meeting Tom Riddle
15. Cornish Pixies
16. Polyjuice Potion
17. Cakes For Crabbe And Goyle
18. Dueling The Basilisk
19. Reunion Of Friends
20. Harrys Wondrous World

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban(Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана)
01. Lumos!
02. Aunt Marge’s Waltz
03. The Knight Bus
04. Apparition on the Train
05. Double Trouble
06. Buckbeak's Flight
07. A Windows to the Past
08. The Whomping Willow And The Snowball Fight
09. Secrets Of The Castle
10. The Portrait Gallery
11. Hagrid The Professor
12. Monster Books And Boggarts
13. Quidditch, Third Year
14. Lupin’s Transformation And Chasing Scabbers
15. The Patronus Light
16. The Werewolf Scene
17. Saving Buckbeak
18. Forward To Time Past
19. The Dementors Converge
20. Finale
21. Mischief Managed

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня)
01. The Story Continues
02. Frank Dies
03. The Quidditch World Cup
04. The Dark Mark
05. Foreign Visitors Arrive -
06. The Goblet of Fire
07. Rita Skeeter
08. Sirius Fire
09. Harry Sees Dragons
10. Golden Egg
11. Neville's Waltz
12. Harry in Winter
13. Potter Waltz
14. Underwater Secrets
15. The Black Lake
16. Hogwarts' March
17. The Maze
18. Voldemort
19. Death of Cedric
20. Another Year Ends
21. Hogwarts' Hymn
22. Do the Hippogriff
23. This Is the Night
24. Magic Works

Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix(Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса)
01. Fireworks
02. Professor Umbridge
03. Another Story
04. Dementors in the Underpass
05. Dumbledore's Army
06. The Hall of Prophecies
07. Possession
08. The Room of Requirements
09. The Kiss
10. A Journey to Hogwarts
11. The Sirius Deception
12. Death of Sirius
13. Umbridge Spoils a Beautiful Morning
14. Darkness Takes Over
15. The Ministry of Magic
16. The Sacking of Trelawny
17. Flight of the Order of the Phoenix
18. Loved Ones and Leaving

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(Гарри Поттер и Принц-Полукровка)
01. Opening
02. In Noctem
03. The Story Begins
04. Ginny
05. Snape & the Unbreakable Vow
06. Wizard Wheezes
07. Dumbledore's Speech
08. Living Death
09. Into the Pensieve
10. The Book
11. Ron's Victory
12. Harry & Hermione
13. School!/
14. Malfoy's Mission
15. The Slug Party
16. Into the Rushes
17. Farewell Aragog
18. Dumbledore's Foreboding
19. Of Love & War
20. When Ginny Kissed Harry
21. Slughorn's Confession
22. Journey to the Cave
23. The Drink of Despair
24. Inferi in the Firestorm
25. The Killing of Dumbledore
26. Dumbledore's Farewell
27. The Friends

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1(Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 1)
01 Obliviate (Забвение).
02 Snape to Malfoy Manor
03 Polyjuice Potion
04 Sky Battle
05 At The Burrow
06 Harry and Ginny
07 The Will
08 Death Eaters
09 Dobby
10 Ministry of Magic
11 Detonators
12 The Locket
13 Fireplaces Escape
14 Ron Leaves
15 The Exodus
16 Godric's Hollow Graveyard
17 Bathilda Bagshot
18 Hermione's Parents
19 Destroying the Locket
20 Ron's Speech
21 Lovegood
22 The Deathly Hallows
23 Captured and Tortured
24 Rescuing Hermione
25 Farewell to Dobby
26 The Elder Wand
27 Voldemort
28 Grimmauld Place
29 The Dumbledores
30 The Tale Of The Three Brothers
31 Bellatrix
32 My Love Is Always There.mp3

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2(Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2)
01 Lily’s Theme
02 The Tunnel
03 Underworld
04 Gringotts
05 Dragon Flight
06 Neville
07 A New Headmaster
08 Panic Inside Hogwarts
09 Statues
10 The Grey Lady
11 In the Chamber of Secrets
12 Battlefield
13 The Diadem
14 Broomsticks and Fire
15 Courtyard Apocalypse
16 Snape’s Demise
17 Severus and Lily
18 Harry’s Sacrifice
19 The Resurrection Stone
20 Harry Surrenders
21 Procession
22 Neville the Hero
23 Showdown
24 Voldemort’s End
25 A New Beginning


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Я домадомадома *_* Лето началось просто замечательно ;)


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