04 мая 2012 года в04.05.2012 17:09 0 0 10 1

Я сейчас решала тесты по английскому, и мне попался один текст… Я не знаю почему, но мне всегда был как-то по-особенному близок этот миф, он какой-то… ну вообщем, я решила поделиться)) Ничего, что на английском ведь?

Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus and a famous sculptor. Pygmalion had no respect for women. He saw that the only thing the women were interested in was pleasure. He traveled much across all countries and never met a woman he could like. He believed that though their face and figure were beautiful, women were bad in heart. So he decided never to marry.

One day he took a piece of marble and began to make a statue of a young woman. After the statue was finished, it was more beautiful than any woman in the world. The marble girl seemed to be almost alive. Pygmalion looked at his beautiful statue day after day, and soon he fell in love with it. He brought flowers to the statue and often kissed it. Sometimes it seemed to him that the statue moved and became warm. But he understood that it was only a marble statue.

At that time of the year people usually came to Aphrodite, godness of love, to pray. People loved Aphrodite because they thought that this godness best understood the hearts of men and women.

Pygmalion prayed to the godness. "Aphrodite, godness of love", he cried, "listen to my prayer. I love my marble girl very much. Give me for the wife one who is as perfect and as beautiful as she is". After that Pygmalion returned home. When he looked at his marble statue, she seemed to be a real sleeping girl. He went up to her and kissed her. She was warm! Her hands were warm! Pygmalion stood near her half afraid. Then the girl opened her eyes and smiled at him. Now he knew that she was alive. Pygmalion thanked Aphrodite for the answer to his prayer.


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