13 сентября 2010 года в13.09.2010 07:06 4 0 10 1

We have laid down at the broken fur-tree.
We wait, when will start to brighten.
Under an overcoat is together warmer
On продрогшей, the rotten earth.

- You know, Julka, I - against grief,
But today it isn't counted.
Houses, in an apple remote place,
Mum, мамка washing lives.
You have the friends, favourite,
At me - only it one.
Smells in a hut квашней and a smoke,
Behind a threshold the spring rages.

Old it seems: each bush
Uneasy daughter waits…
You know, Julka, I - against grief,
But today it isn't counted.

We have got warm hardly.
Suddenly the order: "to Act forward! "
Again nearby, in crude overcoats
The svetlokosyj soldier goes.

Every day became горше.
Went without meetings and banners.
In окруженье has got under Orshej
Our shabby battalion.

Зинка us has moved in attack.
We have made the way on a black rye,
On funnels and буеракам
Through mortal boundaries.

We didn't wait posthumous slavy. -
We wanted to live with glory.
… Why in bandage bloody
The svetlokosyj soldier lies?

Its body of the an overcoat
I covered, teeth having compressed…
The Belarus winds sang
About the Ryazan deaf gardens.

- You know, Zinka, I against grief,
But today it isn't counted.
Somewhere, in an apple remote place,
Mum, мамка yours lives.

I have the friends, favourite,
At it you were one.
Smells in a hut квашней and a smoke,
Behind a threshold there is a spring.

And the old woman in цветастом a dress
At an icon a candle has lit.
… I don't know how to write to it,
That she didn't wait for you.


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