12 сентября 2010 года в12.09.2010 18:29 1 0 10 1

Why He’s Hot:

  • He has the most beautiful, jizz-inducing eyes you could ever imagine. It’s so blue, oh no wait it’s seafoam green, no it’s blue again, damn its gray now. We could do this forever but we don’t have time to do that, there’s other body parts to lust after.
  • He is brimming with talent. You can’t deny that Logan Lerman is a great actor. He also does short films with his best friend and might I add, the videos are great. Wonder what other things he’s great at? wink
  • He’ll be the next Harry Potter. Scratch that, he will beat Potter’s ass. He’s gonna be Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon-God of The Sea. Some say Gods have a lot of kids, hmm, wouldn’t mind him making some with me.
  • He’s funny with a don’t care attitude. He karaokes and dances in History class. How random can he get?
  • His smile. How can you not admit that naughty little smirk just made you drop your pants and made you imagine some of the wildest things that you could do with him? But not right now, he’ll be legal in just a few months ladies. (;
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