21 апреля 2012 года в21.04.2012 19:35 0 0 10 1

я вообще люблю такие работы.ни когда нужно в тупую сидеть и переводить,а инновационные,где нужно креативно мыслить самому,поэтому тот же перевод заумных предложений и сопутствующее ему заучивание их - вот тупо в радость:) если бы вся учеба была такой - ей не было бы цены


Persuade your fellow-students that there is a life after death and insire them to live it well.

Я не знаю, кого я там инспайрню, потому что замудренно очень написала.Но меня бы такая речь точно вдохновила.Но я барышня с приветом, поэтому не увдивительно.

Do you believe in life after death? Do you believe that kama of your committed actions will prejudge what will be your next life? The so-called "eternal life" that is mentioned in various religions, beliefs, doctrines, which was even known in ancient India and ancient Egypt, is known to us as the "reincarnation" or the rebirth of the soul. In Christianity, it is known as "eternal soul", which, in spite of the body, is immortal, in Islam and some other religions it is known as just life after death like a gift from Allah, or same heaven etc. There are also a lot not only myths but scientific facts that refute the theory that everything in this world isn't eternal. For example, the immortality of a multicellular organism such as a jellyfish, or some beings who are not afraid of old age - a direct proof of this. And while many atheists tend not to believe in samsara, namely the so-called repetitive cycle of birth and death, it is [], and there are plenty of evidences. Hindus, like many other representatives of various Indian religions, say that soul enjoys the material world, and it is born again and again to satisfy its material desires, which is possible only through the physical body. As I have mentioned, what will be our soul's next reincarnation depends on exectly your actions, which are called karma, throughout life. It is this cycle of life and death called samsara. In fact, it is a polysemantic concept, the real essence of which can be understood from the ancient Indian wisdom:
"There is a big amount of desires and passions you can look all around at, a big rush for pleasure, desperate attempt of escape from pain and death and torrid heat of breaking desires. This world is full of relationships and changes. All this is samsara."
Hindus believe that you can escape from reincarnation only with nirvana achievement, that is the spiritual enlightenment. I watched a film about Buddhistic monk of high and very respectful rank "lama", who refused monastery style life and told his teacher that if the Buddha were allowed to know the earth life till 29 years old, he has a right to do the same. As a result, becoming part of samsara, he lost the opportunity to release his soul from rebirth. And his teacher reminded him about this in his farewell letter, written before death:
"And when we will meet in samsara, I hope, you will tell me what is more important in this life - to satisfy one thouthand desires or to overcome just one".
I think that this qualitation clearly shows the Hindus attitude towards the rebirth of the soul. Hinduism does not teach that earth pleasures are sinful, but explains that they can not bring inner happiness and satisfaction. Being a prisoner of samsara is the result of ignorance and misunderstanding of the true nature of things. Reborning again and again, the soul is finally disappointed with earth pleasures, and choosing the path of spiritual enlightenment. And when it finally rejects all material desires, people say that the person has attained Moksha, that is salvation. Having achieved moksha, the soul does not die. It lives forever in an alternative universe where there is always a harmony and grace. Do you want your soul to achieve peace? Then live your life well.

хорошо погуляли сегодня, выбрала хорошую такую рубашку.придет в ней в уни - прям буду рада, хехе.нашла в луже два рубля, хохо. пришла к успеху прям) осталось, чтобы Инна проверила ошибки еще, потому что я уже предвкушаю перепутанные слова и, ну как обычно.и сидр с Алиной пить мимими


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