17 апреля 2012 года в17.04.2012 16:11 0 0 10 2

“Darren and Chris both spent a lot of time on their phones. Chris more than Darren and usually Chris would show whatever he was doing to Darren. At one point, Chris took a bite out of the snack Kurt had and made a wrinkle nose face and Darren asked him a question with a smile on his face and Chris shook his head. (I can speculate that Chris tried the snack, and Darren teased him about how it wasn’t very good.) ”

—-- “they were literally laughing the whole rest of the time. I just love the way they lean towards each other”
---“Darren and Chris were very talkative during the down times. Chris kept pulling out his phone and showing Darren things or laughing with him about one thing or another.At one point Chris showed Darren something and Darren went “YEAH” really loudly. It was adorable.”
---“For those asking, YES Chris and Darren went into the Disney Store.”

Вот такие вот новости на тамблере хд

Если вкратце, то Даррен и Колфер много говорили в перерывах, сидели там вместе, смеялись, Колфер показывал что-то на телефоне и они смеялись над этим вместе. потом они там что-то ели, Колфер взял закуску с тарелки, а Даррен стал его передразнивать.

ну а фотка Даррена, который пялится на Колфера уже доставляет =3
мое криссколферское сердечко пропустило удар хд


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