11 апреля 2012 года в11.04.2012 17:41 1 0 10 2

Haley taught me about love and depression and the strength to climb the hardest hills in life. Nathan taught me that’s important to put your strength in the what you are most passoniate about, for him it was basketball and his family. Brooke taught me how much a person can change from who they were, that everyone can get a second chance, no matter what. Julian taught me that love is more important than anything. Jamie taught me that everyone you look up to has their hardships too. Quinn taught me that love has no limits, no matter what. Clay taught me that nothing lasts forever. Lucas taught me that forgiveness is key and friendship is something to come back for. Peyton taught that everyone leaves, but sometimes they come back. Dan taught me that family is family, and everybody makes mistakes. Mouth taught me that believing in people that most people don’t believe is important. Uncle Keith taught me that life is short and things DO GET BETTER. Karen taught me that protecting someone you love is in their better interest. This show taught me that if you believe enough in your dreams and your wishes, if you believe in them with all your heart, they do come true. This show has gotten me through so much


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