district 1 are vegas dancers/district 2 thinks they’re in gladiator
district 3 is something out of a lady gaga video/district 4, well, it could be worse
case in point, see district 5 /what the fuck district 6??? :D
district 7 and their origami /i’m so sorry district 8
is the boy tribute from 9 supposed to be a dalek or/HOWDY Y’ALL FROM DISTRICT 10
wow really creative for 11/BOW DOWN TO DISTRICT 12, BITCHES!!!
Убивалась в истерике пол часа.Тамблер такой тамблер :D
"Что за нахуй, Дистрикт 6?" :D
"Мне очень жаль, Дистрикт 8" :D
Действительно, а?Ахаха.