29 марта 2012 года в29.03.2012 17:40 0 0 10 1

    What Makes You Beautiful: What makes you beauti PAUL
    Gotta Be You: Can we PAUL one more time?
    One Thing: Get out, get out, get out of my head and PAUL into my arms instead.
    More Than This:: And as I walk up to your door, my head turns to face the PAUL
    Up All Night: Up PAUL night
    I Wish: I wish it was me that you PAUL later on cos you wanna say good night
    Tell Me A Lie: Well, I PAUL up a good fight But your words cut like knives
    Taken: You say that you missed me PAUL along
    I Want: You're not into them at PAUL. You just want materials
    Everything About You: You just PAUL my name I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll get coming
    Same Mistakes: Think that we got more time when we're PAUL ling behind
    Save You Tonight: It's a quarter to three can't sleep at PAUL
    Stole My Heart :Don't you know PAUL night I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round
    Stand Up: I'm a thief im a thief. You can PAUL me a thief.
    Moments: Kicking PAULs at my feet
    Na Na Na: But then I'm PAULi ng back, beggin' you to stay
    Another World: I lift you up, PAUL never stop
    I Should've You Kissed You: I keep playing inside my head, PAUL that you said to me
    Torn: I thought I saw a PAUL brought to life


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