17 марта 2012 года в17.03.2012 14:01 1 0 10 1

The Castle Games

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The Castle Games

Katniss = Beckett

Both strong, determined women who would do whatever they could to save the

people they love. Also both are completely smitten

Peeta = Castle

Both love another person passionately and would do anything to save them

Gale = Everyone Beckett has dated who isn’t Castle

Doesn’t get the girl but becomes successful elsewhere

Cinna = Montgomery

Mastermind behind it all

Haymitch = Gates

Sometimes hated but does what they see best to help

Prim = Alexis

Young but has seen a lot of pain; old soul

Effie = Martha

A little self centered at times and completely over the top

Octavia, Venia, and Flavius = Ryan, Esposito, Lanie

Do I need to explain this?

Snow = Man who killed Johanna

Die bastard


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