13 марта 2012 года в13.03.2012 11:28 3 0 10 1

New York 1930's

  • Times Square, Manhattan, New York, New York, USA

1933 (04-19) Rollerskating on the roof of Roosevelt Hotel

  • 1939 – Rudley’s Hot Roast Beef Sandwich 25 Cts. by Rudy Burckhardt

  • 1934 – Chinatown, NYC by Imogen Cunningham

  • 1938 – 61st Street bet. 1st & 3rd Avenues. Children playing (Walker Evans)

  • 1939 – New York City; Pedestrians (Rudy Burckhardt)

  • 1939 – East River, Western Union messengers on ferry from Liberty Island

  • 1939 (10-04) Yankee Stadium, Yanks edge Reds 2-1, Gm1 WS

  • 1930s – The Holland Tunnel entrance before a Holiday

  • 1930s – Cotton Club, 644 Lenox Avenue, West 142nd Street (1st location 1923-1936)


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