29 февраля 2012 года в29.02.2012 11:00 2 0 10 1

OKAY here’s basically the run down of what happened: As I’m sure many of you are familiar with, someone on tumblr has been harassing several other users including Carter (validatemypride), Beth (babyfallintome), and Emily (t-swifts). They sent me messages last night and today saying things like “hey lauren babe its me, juan carlos, and youre the next on my list. im starting to track you down right now, it will only be a matter of seconds before i know your exact location baby” and “hi babe it will be nice to meet you, hope you like anal sex and then be cut”. To be honest, it scared the living shit out of me. Especially because I was home alone and I heard knocking at the door and my phone started ringing with private numbers calling me and I was just SCARED SHITLESS (pathetic, I know). So I pretended to “delete” (even though the majority of you figured out pretty quickly that I didn’t) in hopes that it would make my attacker leave me alone. Then I logged on about an hour later to see a hate blog dedicated to killing me and two other tumblr users. To say the least, this did not do much to encourage me. But I’ve calmed down considerably (and the user who was sending messages deleted) and I realized I was freaking a bunch of people out so I’m back for now. If I get messages again, I probably will blank out my blog again or just turn my ask off. Thank you so much for your concern and supportive messages guys. I appreciate all of you for sticking with me, even though I probably overreacted a bit. You’re all the best k <3


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