26 февраля 2012 года в26.02.2012 17:02 0 0 10 1

'A' = Ezra?

MORE clues leading up to A=Ezra!

Okay, okay, I don’t know for sure if Ezra is A, or if he’s boss/main A, or if he’s just part of the A group but… oh my gosh!

  • On the A interview ABC Family released, when A was asked what was he/she up to during his/her free time, A answered “target practice”. On an ep from the first season, Ezra was playing target practice with a friend and Aria in a bar.
  • On the Homecoming ep, Spencer talks to the tarot lady. She reads a creepy tarot card, which says “Something wrong with this couple, they are a bad match…. there is darkness in him, maybe even violence and vengeance”. During this scene, the camera shows both Emily and Toby, and Aria and Ezra. We thought that the tarot lady was talking about Toby and that EMily was in danger with him, but now we know Toby is innocent, so which guy’s left…? Ezra.
  • Vivian Darkbloom, Ali’s alter ego, is an anagram for Vladimir Nabokov, a russian writer famous for writing the literary masterpiece Lolita. In this book, a 40-something english teacher, Humbert Humbert, falls in love with his 12-yr-old stepdaughter. Ali also borrowed the book from the library, so she has read it, and perhaps wanted to live the “lolita fantasy” with someone… perhaps, Fitzy? Plus, both Ezra and Humbert are english teachers, and the book itself is a literary classic so Ezra would’ve known about it. And Nabokov also has written another book, The Eye… The Vigilant Eye… “We see all”… N.A.T club. Which leads us to the next clue:
  • Marlene King has said that there are other members of the N.A.T club. I think it’s Melissa and Fitz. We know both Melissa and Fitz (thanks to the Halloween Episode) were around in Rosewood while Ali was alive.
  • No one knows absolutely anything about Ezra’s past, except that he was in Rosewood while Ali lived, he (supposedly) was in Europe for a while, and had a relationship with Jackie. Hm…
  • On episode 1x13, Spencer gets an A message that said “Married for love or an alibi?”. Two episodes later, on 1x15, Ezra is sitting on his desk and behind him it’s written: “Married for love?”
  • On episode 1x15, “Daisy” is written on the blackboard behind Ezra. On the end of the episode, you can see A putting daisies on Mrs. Potter’s grave.
  • On episode 2x20, Byron gets a message from A written on a typewriter. And on the same episode we see Ezra’s phone background image are typewriter letters.
  • The girls don’t receive any messages from A while Ezra was in New York, or wherever the hell he really was.
  • On episode 1x18 Jenna tells Ezra she’d like to write some music for the play. She probably gave him the machine with the flute music already recorded, so he could perfectly use it to confuse Spencer in the motel on episode 1x19.
  • A wrote “NOSEY BITCHES DIE” on Dr. Sullivan’s room. But, it’s not NOSEY, it’s NOSY. Nos E y. E zra. Also ironical, since he’s supposed to be an english teacher…
  • During the rehearsals for the play during 1x18, Aria uses a crepe tape to mark places on the floor. On the end of the episode we see A looking at the mice he/she had. Each mice’s cage had a liar’s name written on crepe tape.
  • In episode 204, the sign outside of the pawn shop with Dr. Lars Thorwald says “Someone’s watching you…” That is a reference to the Hitchcock film “Rear Window” but reminds me of 1984 and “Big Brother is always watching you.” In episode 19 of season 1, Jenna references that same quote from 1984 to Aria in the bathroom right after Aria sees Jenna talking to Ezra. Possible reference to Ezra being another N.A.T. club member as well as A and seeing all? The eyes on the sign are also zoomed in on. Once again, a nod to eyes (A’s pretty eyes - Ezra has pretty eyes). The poster also almost EXACTLY resembles one for Dr. T.J. Eckleburg in The Great Gatsby, yet another novel Ezra had his class read…and it happens to be by F. Scott FITZgerald.
  • On 2x12, Aria gets the papers Jackie copied, from A. Before that, we can see Ezra on his office, reading some papers which are very similar to the ones A gave Aria. They were even stapled on the same side.
  • Ezra’s poem said “And in a moment, her life was undone. Everything she knew disappeared, drifting into the summer sky”. Her = Ali. Undone life = death. Also, Ali died in the summer.
  • Ezra reacts indifferently to the fact that Aria and the other liars were guilty for blinding Jenna, almost as if he already knew that.
  • Teachers get class rosters BEFORE the first day of school. He could have seen her name, acted shocked that she was in his class as an act, and set a text message to send to her very soon after the bell rang.
  • May have been at Ali’s memorial. Spencer recieved a text from A saying they’ll be there watching “just like Tom Sawyer.” — it is a reference to a novel, and he is an English teacher.
  • As Aria is leaving the coffee shop in the rain, right before Ezra picks her up, a store is shown called “Hardware Keyes.” The “K” is almost entirely cut off by a pole in front of the sign, so it looks more like “eyes.” The song playing in the background is called “Fresh Pair Of Eyes.” These are the first of many nods at eyes pertaining to both Ezra and A.
  • As a teacher, he most likely has access to locker combinations. He could have put the A notes in Emily and Hanna’s lockers, the book with his poem and the A note in Aria’s locker, and the test answers in Noel’s locker (especially since he was fully aware that Noel was going to rat him out to the principal).
  • The other girls seem to be targeted more than Aria and she has not been in any physical danger yet. A may or may not have been the person who pushed her in episode 202. Mike pushed Aria during his house-breaking-in-escapades, not A. As far as A is concerned, they have not put her in any physical danger yet.
  • Also in the season 2 premiere, when Aria is at Ezra’s apartment, he tells her “Ask me anything.” When the girls receive the text from “Ian” (as in, A, or someone else) in the greenhouse, it says “Ask me anything.” Not “Ask something, ask me a question” etc. Coincidence or…?
  • He could have taken the picture of his desk missing the degree himself and removed the apartment key from under his mat… to enter his own apartment. Lol.
  • His degree was at the therapist’s office. He could have put it there himself, especially if he happens to go to therapy for some reason. Perhaps after Jackie broke off their engagement, or for another reason we don’t know anything about?
  • In Ian’s “suicide” note, the word ‘hide’ is crossed off after ‘I can’t” and is replaced by the word ‘run.’ When Aria talked with Ezra about Jenna being in the pottery class, Ezra said “You can run, but you can’t hide.”
  • Aria’s doll in episode 212 wants her to “make Jackie go away.” Ezra clearly has no interest in Jackie anymore or doesn’t seem to at least. Makes sense if the doll thing was A’s doing. Mentally torturing Aria by having her confront his ex-fiancee and get her to go away for his own sake.
  • His nickname in college was Z. Instead of from A to Z, from Z to A? Interesting coincidence (or not) that it was a single letter…
  • The “Ezra is A” April Fools joke could have been the biggest REVERSE red herring ever.


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