24 февраля 2012 года в24.02.2012 20:11 0 0 10 4

my shit

sometimes, when i'm tired or messed up, i start to think on English language
kind of stupid, you'll say

but this is a thing that i can't even understand why it's happening
maybe it's 'cause i love this language so much, or it's just that i'm felling free to speak my mind, using it

to speak my heart, actually. 'cause it's like half of a year passed, and i still can't get over you
this is weird, but this is true. hard to believe, but it is.

who'd thought, that i can fall in love with somebody for so long

i wish you were here. i wish i could open my soul to you

but you are not here.
and i bet you don't need this. you don't even think of me. like, really, why would you?

you know, it's OK, i got it.

all i wanted to say is that i'm pretty messed ut right now
and i love you so damn much

I know I'm not perfect,
but at the end of the day,
who is?


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WHATAFUCK — Erase me.


привет, дорогие мои "Явилась, не запылилась", подумаете вы, да? так вот, я не знаю, что сподвигло меня написать этот пост. наверное ...


SPF with Nina Dobrev моя красавица [ x ]


знаете, за что я так люблю их? за искренность. они выиграли уже третий чемпионат, став буквально легендами футбола, а радуются этому, ка...


мои мальчики. вчера вы сделали меня самой счасливой девушкой на планете. я знала, я верила в вашу победу и ни на секунду в вас не сомнева...


One Tree Hill 2003 - 2012 Спасибо вам за девять лет слез, улыбок, смеха и удовольствия. I miss you more than anything