21 февраля 2012 года в21.02.2012 15:30 15 0 10 1

Кэтрин и Элайджа

Причины почему мы их любим
Reasons we love them

Because he wanted to save her
Because «You cared about her»
Because they'd make a killer team
Because over 500 years nobody has an affect on him like she does
Because all someone has to do is say her name and he's all ears
Because he begged his brother to spare her life
Because they make each other laugh
Because we've never seen her react to anyone like she does to him
Because it's been over half a millennium and he's still chasing her
Because he almost kissed Elena thinking she was Katherine
Because in the cave he barely took his eyes off her long enough to talk to Stefan
Because he said he didn't believe in love, but we and his brother know better
Because love is a vampires greatest weakness, and she is his greatest weakness
Because there's hundreds of years of unresolved sexual tension between them
Because he doesn't want to catch her cause the game would be over
Because as a human she took one of the oldest vampire's breath away with a simple «hello»
Because he took pity on her in her lonely state but really just wanted to be around her
Because her name was the first thing he whispered when brought back to life.
Because he found the elixer to save her and has held onto for all this time
Because they'd have best hate! sex ever!
Because he wasn't surprised to know that she survived
Because they'd just look so damn good together
Because he bitchslapped Trevor to death out of jealousy
Because she wants to be chased and he's meant to catch her
Because we love the way her name just rolls off his tongue
Because when he kissed her hand time stood still for a moment.
Because they both deserve some love and happiness in their lives

надеюсь они будут вместе)


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13.Пять лучших, на ваш взгляд, сериалов.

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С праздником)

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