23 августа 2010 года в23.08.2010 19:20 4 0 10 2

Florence And The Machine - Cosmic Love

ellebell :

A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes I screamed aloud, as it tore through them, and now it's left me blind The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out You left me in the dark No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart And in the dark, I can hear your heartbeat I tried to find the sound But then it stopped, and I was in the darkness, So darkness I became The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out You left me in the dark No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out You left me in the dark No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out You left me in the dark No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart


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