19 февраля 2012 года в19.02.2012 18:02 3 0 10 1

I know people that try, people that don't
People that fly to the air, just flow, like smoke.
I know people that choke
People that's rich, know people that's broke,
Know people that love, people that hate,
Some tell you that your good,
Some tell you you're doing great!
Hey, I know people can't wait,
They wanna hear every single thing I gotta say.
Some people act cool, some act phony,
People know your friends, but they'll never be your homie
I know people think they know me
Cause I'm lame and untalented, old me
Girls wanna own me, labels wanna clone me
Haters wanna choke me, stoners wanna smoke weed
People never gonna change,
Cause no two people are the same

We, we are just two people
What more can we do,
Give me one more day,
I'mma spend it with you,
With you

I can't complain, how people know my name
But when come back home, not a damn thing change
I bet people can't believe,
Some after the money,
Some under the greed
If you're showing love, then you're cool with me,

I'm the same old dude, before the jewelry
And everything is kinda new to me,
Things ain't nothing like they use to be
People thought I wouldn't
Some people probably thought i could
Some people think the boy turned hollywood
Living up every day, work well,
dudes run away when they see the girl smile.
I'm glad I get to call her mine
Its the type of thing so hard to find
You can't tell a star. to shine, or a car to fly
shits going to happen its just all in time
We, we are just two people
What more can we do,
Give me one more day,
I'mma spend it with you,
With you

when your dealing with somebody and you dont know what to do
they might not understand you cause they see you on the move
girl this dinners over im trying to get you to my room
cause ive been going crazy baby you dont have a clue

We, we are just two people
What more can we do,
Give me one more day,
I'mma spend it with you,
With you


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come back, congratulate !

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