19 февраля 2012 года в19.02.2012 13:21 0 0 10 5

Abi Edwards - Supernatural (ET parody)

salt, burn, holy water
kick it to the devil
meet you on his level
Castiel on our side
angel on our shoulder
stop demons takin over

they’re not afraid
they’re not like the others
Winchester brothers
messed up DNA
demon blood within Sam

they’re gunna save our world
from evil invasion
don’t close your eyes
and watch the shadows movin’ in the night

save Dean, s-s-save Dean
from his daddy issues
and his angel misuse
help Sam, h-h-help Sam
help him get his soul back
keep um’ both on track
Cas, he’s an angel
his touch so heavenly
it’s Supernatural
not extra terrestrial

they’re so super bad-ass
kilin’ all the bad guys
gank um’ with their demon knife
they’ve been to hell and back
nothing can touch um’

they’re gunna save our world
from evil invasion
don’t close your eyes
and watch the shadows movin’ in the night

save Dean, s-s-save Dean
from his daddy issues
and his angel misuse
help Sam, h-h-help Sam
help him get his soul back
keep um’ both on track
Cas, he’s an angel
his touch so heavenly
it’s Supernatural
not extra terrestrial

this is sentimental
on another level
it’s their profound bond
Cas’d kill all his brothers
just to save another
for Dean he’d risk it all

save Dean, s-s-save Dean
from his daddy issues
and his angel misuse
help Sam, h-h-help Sam
help him get his soul back
keep um’ both on track
Cas, he’s an angel
his touch so heavenly
it’s Supernatural
not extra terrestrial

supernatural x 3

Cas, he’s an angel
his touch so heavenly

it’s Supernatural



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Мендес беременна от Гослинга. Пойду, закажу себе футболку


Yuri Pleskun in VMAN magazine [ source ]


Тема этих выходных - "Тёрнер расстался с русалкой" (предвижу очередную смену имиджа: усы и хвост) А у вас что нового? По-прежнему...


Случайно зашла в популярное, а там срач. "где книголюбы? " Пост со словами "Я купила книгу в Читай-городе за 400 рублей" не так интерес...


- Дин, а ты куда-нибудь собираешься после учёбы? - Эм….Нет. - А я собираюсь замуж! #Типичные_бабы_такие_бабы.


Тёрнеру сегодня исполняется 28. Меньше бриолина и покачиваний бёдрами, больше отличных песен!