15 февраля 2012 года в15.02.2012 19:14 1 0 10 1

So did i…i laughed and i loved..and i cried…on the moment the "stranger" got his gorilla-head off and we all saw..THAT. Sorry, i'm not his fan..sure, i knew that Gorilla-man isn't Blaine, but..i really was secretly hoping it will be anybody but Karofsky. And my emotional level reached its peak at the moment Dave placed his hands on Kurt's(!). .it felt so wrong and so..so…he's not Blaine and that's all! Coz only Blaine (in my humble opinion) can touch Kurt. And even if it happened let it be anybody but that Neanderthal, that threatend Kurt, bullied him for so long.

And Kurt thought all of these cards were from Blaine. That's what matters. And that's all i care about.

p.s. at least he didn't forget his password xD


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