13 февраля 2012 года в13.02.2012 16:25 0 0 10 3

Snow Patrol – The Garden Rules

There's the river, there's your house and there's the church
And there's us years ago
Deep in your garden where the nettle met the rose
Is where we'd hide ourselves

Yes, we were just kids
But you couldn't tell us that
These are the garden rules
It's what you always said

You would call the garden rules, out like commands
And we would all obey
But you'd stifle giddy laughter as you spoke
And puncture the pretend

And we would chase our tails
Until the sun forgot to shine
And our parents called our names
Till just you and I were left

From your house we walk the river
To the church by the silent fields
Amongst the lavender and headstones
And the larks in our Sunday clothes
Your father calls to you
As he's looking at his watch
You leave me with a kiss
On my quickly heating cheek

Oh, you will never know how much I love you so
Oh, you will never know how much I love you


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WHATAFUCK — Erase me.


привет, дорогие мои "Явилась, не запылилась", подумаете вы, да? так вот, я не знаю, что сподвигло меня написать этот пост. наверное ...


SPF with Nina Dobrev моя красавица [ x ]


знаете, за что я так люблю их? за искренность. они выиграли уже третий чемпионат, став буквально легендами футбола, а радуются этому, ка...


мои мальчики. вчера вы сделали меня самой счасливой девушкой на планете. я знала, я верила в вашу победу и ни на секунду в вас не сомнева...


One Tree Hill 2003 - 2012 Спасибо вам за девять лет слез, улыбок, смеха и удовольствия. I miss you more than anything