17 августа 2010 года в17.08.2010 22:59 5 0 10 6

Интервью Нины Добрев в Saturday Night Magazine.

SNMag: What can you tell us about Katherine coming back at the end of the finale last season?
ND: The only thing I can really tell you is that she’s back, and if I told you any more I’d have to kill you or bite you or something. But, yeah, she is back and you can just imagine now that she’s back in action things are just going to get more and more intense. It’s fun to see what she is going to do because she is just so spontaneous and crazy, but I’m just as in the dark as you are because they don’t tell us anything until we get there.

SNMag: Do you think Damon and Elena could ever have a good, healthy relationship?

ND: “Damon” and “healthy” in the same sentence? That’s funny! I don’t know, I mean, with the way the season ended, it doesn’t seem as though Damon and Elena are an item in any way because he didn’t really care for her. He chose Katherine. Little does he know he is totally falling in love with Elena but Elena truly doesn’t feel that way. She sees him as a buddy. She sees him as her boyfriend’s brother, and, at times, a pain in the butt. But their friendship and their chemistry are definitely growing.


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