01 февраля 2012 года в01.02.2012 13:52 2 0 10 2

I`m bored, he`s bored, we`re all bored!

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

I wouldn`t call Gatsby great. But I liked him a lot. I wouldn`t call Daisy extraordinary. I dislike her.

And that`s Mr.Fitzgerald who ia really to be called Great. I fell in love with him in thaht film (you know, Midnight in Paris, I`ve told you) and now my feelings are accelerating, ha-ha! Isn`t he really exciting?

As for the book, I can`t understand properly what I feel. Perhaps, in about a week I will, but right now I just feel admiration and love, yes, a bit love. The book takes you in itself, it draggs you into i`s pages, makes you see and feel sincerely every tiny detail of the story and it`s really gascinating. It`s magnifiscent.

I`m looking forward for the film so much now! I was waiting for it anyway, but only because of Carey (Daisy) and now I have a thousand great reasons to see the film, to wait for it. Toby is so much Nick! He suits perfectly for the role, really! And Leo is so much of the real Gatsby! I am sure Carey will do excellent!

2012 is so full of screenings!


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