25 января 2012 года в25.01.2012 09:50 0 0 10 1

so, everything that makes me whole
Now I’ll offer it to you
I’m Yours

Hey, it’s the first time since my birth
that I’ve been able to laugh like this
I’m sure
that I walked on a road filled with mistakes
for the sake of this day
All by myself the entire time

Far, far away, as far as the eye can see
Together with you and holding your hand
We should be able to go anywhere forever
“You’re not alone anymore, ” so you say
and laugh again

There’s something important that you must protect now
But when you freeze in place helplessly—
When you lose your potential, the darkness eclipses you
And you’re about to be swallowed by despair—
Because I’ll become the light that illuminates you
Not even the king of this world can put me out
so, everything that makes me whole
Now I’ll offer it to you
I’m Yours

Hey, there is plenty of happiness
in this world
If we’re together someday—

Even if someone calls you a liar
and tries to hurt you with heartless words—
Even if the world tries to make you wear a crown of thorns
without even trying to believe in you—
I can be on your side and no one else’s
I know your loneliness and pain
so, everything that makes me whole
Now I’ll offer it to you
I’m Yours

Because if you could understand me someday
Then I’d definitely be at that place
Even if not even a fragment of hope exists there—
Even if I’m something that shouldn’t exist—
You won’t be forgetting about me
I know that better than anyone else does
So now I shall offer up everything
for your sake


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