24 января 2012 года в24.01.2012 18:53 1 0 10 1


Last week was very cold. The temperature was to -20. The fact that I live in town where winter is the coldest and summer is the hottest in the south. When people come to Volgograd in the first time they are shock! They say me"WTF in the weather here? Why it's so hot or cold?" But I used to it. and i think the weather here is normal(without winter) I hate it! I like summer, heat.

sometimes I'm late and is not organized. So my hair have ache. I have tail for 5 days. and today is it too. For me pigtail is brilliant variant now.

I bought a book "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. the truth I am her fanat. Her stories, words, style of writing. I like it. I really happy that I found the author for me. A long time I didn't like to read books because I didn't like it. Very hard I find a book which I like and I'd read. And Thank Jane Austen, I found that I like.

I was reading and eating my favourites cookies.

I think that I could go to another school with linguistic bias. But I don't know is the idea good? Possibly I have a little bit longer and I will think.


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