22 января 2012 года в22.01.2012 09:18 3 0 10 1

Over the past year and a half, I have had the chance to work with so many amazing people, and watch so many of their lives change either though building their businesses or through simply experiencing life and enjoying everything it has to offer. I cherish every single one of the people I come into contact with and I appreciate everything that these people have given me. From the long road trips and sleepless nights looking for hidden skate spots, to the countless hours learning about all the hard work someone has put into their art and business, I felt compelled to put together a reflection of my work over the past year and a half. I wanted this piece to reflect my work as a whole, but also show my love for the people I have worked with. I wanted to show them how much they have shaped my life, and how being surrounded by passionate and endearing people has truly made a difference in my life. I hope to never stop doing what I am doing, and that I continue to meet amazing people every single day.


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