20 января 2010 года в20.01.2010 16:56 4 0 10 1

I’m lyin’ wide awake,
My head is spinnin’ over you
Dark of night, no stars in sight
You’re dreamin’ next to me
Afraid to close my eyes
Cause I don’t wanna miss a moment of you
Don’t want to dream now
No dream could be as beautiful as you are
Tell me what have I done to deserve somethin’ this beautiful
Tell me why
Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me?
Tell me why
Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me?
Tell me why do you love me, why is it me you want?
Before you came the days just passed
But now I am soakin’ up each second
Within me a thousand suns arise
And I’m prayin’ for them never to disappear
Tell me what have I done to deserve somethin’ this beautiful
Tell me, why I deserve you
And why I hear you say “I love you, girl”
Tell me why
Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me?
Tell me why
Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me?
Tell me why
Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me?
Tell me why
Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me?
Tell me, why I deserve you
Tell me, why I deserve you
Tell me, why I deserve you
Why is it me you love?!


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