09 января 2012 года в09.01.2012 10:07 1 0 10 1

A toxic drug couldn't make you see what I do when i face the mirror
I'm told i should wear a sign claiming 'I see things larger than they appear'. But those who say that are all just crazy, they have no clue what it's like to always think about food, but fear getting near it. Then once I give in, all that comes to mind is 'I need to get it out'.
Thinnest is beauty - pay attention to the numbers, they can't lie. It's not the pounds, it's the inches - though fact is that one guides the other.
If I eat a little less, work a little more - I'll be beautiful for once.
There's some people who have personalities to make up for 'real' beauty. But I've never had anything to make me look better, I rely on this.
Don't take orders from a dessert, I've been through enough pain.
If I'm atractive, maybe they'll look twice - think again.
I'll fill this gap in my soul, avoid the lonliness of my life. You honestly have no guillt in eating? It's disgusting. I refuse to fall apart in front of anyone - but I will NOT eat that.
I can't stop thinking about food! What won't I eat today? What's a good excuse to give, so no one sees what i am doing? If I do eat, what's it going to be - and how much? Will I throw up after? Has anyone noticed these clothes no longer fit my body?

I need to stop thinking about food, it's an infectious habit
Don't judge me for the things I do, and for what I see.
I just need to be thinner and I'll do anything to just simply be perfect. [c]


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