29 декабря 2011 года в29.12.2011 10:33 0 0 10 2

You have no right to call this childish. This is a group that has suffered so many losses, fought through the toughest of issues and stuck together even as their number went down. This is a group of 13 amazing men who were nothing more than an experiment at first, and now look where they are. They're a group that has changed the lives of countless, myself included. They saved my life, each and every one of them in their own way. I cannot accurately express my disgust toward anybody that thinks less of them. They are being abused and ignored by a ridiculous company. Can you really blame them for wanting to spend one of the last big shows of the year with their fans? Can you honestly sit there and judge them? I can't even take in what is happening, this is just wrong.

if it wasn’t for super junior, i don’t know where i’d be right now. and im being serious. I love them not only for their music, but because they are always there for us. (c)


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