27 декабря 2011 года в27.12.2011 19:24 1 0 10 1

What's the best way for a girl to get your attention?

Louis: When a girl plays hard to get properly it is so fit.
Harry: Also, someone who is really banterous [a Harry-ism] and puts you down all the time. Someone who's cheeky. [At that precise moment the photographer and the assistant Harry fancies come over. She's cute with a brown bob and is wearing a cropped striped top and small denim shorts. They say their goodbyes and walk off. Harry doesn't turn around.]
Interviewer: Harry, you didn't even turn around! You totally dissed her…
Louis: Harry, I dare you to scream out "Can I have your number? "
Zayn: You won't do it. Can I do it and pretend it was you?
Harry: Yeah, alright.
Zayn: [Shouts] Can I have your number?
Louis: Oh God, that is so embarrassing.
Harry: She turned around!
Zayn: What's her name?
[Zayn shouts her name and she walks back. They all start talking excitedly.]
Zayn: Harry's got a question for you.
[She looks over at him, but he can barely look at her.]
Louis: Harry, erm…
Zayn: Wondered if he could, erm…
Niall: Get your telephone number.
Harry: [Puts his head in his hands.] This is so embarassing!
Photographer's assistant: [Smiles sweetly.] No, sorry!
[Louis howls with laughter and the other boys crack up.]
Photographer's assistant: [Laughs, then walks away and calls over her shoulder.] You should've asked me yourself!
Louis: Oooh, that is hard to get!
Niall: Harry, go and get her.
Zayn: Harry, she's slipping out of your fingers! Mate, go. Run.
Harry: [Shakes his head and goes red] This is a joke!
Interviewer: We're feeling your pain, Harry. That was pretty embarrassing…
Louis: That's one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
Interviewer: Impressive tag-team work, guys…
Louis: [Smiles.] We're normally a lot smoother and cooler than that.

Боже, это так мило! Переводить очень долго, простите, я оставила так. Гарри такой скромный кролик: 3


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