18 декабря 2011 года в18.12.2011 13:17 0 0 10 4

Doctor Who ~ masterpost

“All of time and space, everything that ever happened or that ever will, where do you want to start?”

Series One ~

1x01 Rose

1x02 The End of the World

1x03 The Unquiet Dead

1x04 Aliens of London (1 of 2)

1x05 World War Three (2 of 2)

1x06 Dalek

1x07 The Long Game

1x08 Father’s Da y

1x09 The Empty Child (1 of 2)

1x10 The Doctor Dances (2 of 2)

1x11 Boom Town

1x12 Bad Wolf (1 of 2)

1x13 The Parting of the Ways (2 of 2)

Series Two ~

2x00 The Christmas Invasion

2x01 New Earth

2x02 Tooth and Claw

2x03 School Reunion

2x04 The Girl in the Fireplace

2x05 Rise of the Cybermen (1 of 2)

2x06 The Age of Steel (2 of 2)

2x07 The Idiot’s Lantern

2x08 The Impossible Planet (1 of 2)

2x09 The Satan Pit (2 of 2)

2x10 Love & Monsters

2x11 Fear Her

2x12 Army of Ghosts (1 of 2)

2x13 Doomsday (2 of 2)

Series Three ~

3x01 The Runaway Bride

3x02 The Shakespeare Code

3x03 Gridlock

3x04 Daleks in Manhattan (1 of 2)

3x05 Evolution of the Daleks (2 of 2)

3x06 The Lazarus Experiment

3x07 42

3x08 Human Nature (1 of 2)

3x09 The Family of Blood (2 of 2)

3x10 Blink

3x11 Utopia

3x12 The Sound of Drums (1 of 2)

3x13 Last of the Time Lords (2 of 2)

Series Four ~

4x00 Voyage of the Damned

4x01 Partners in Crime

4x02 The Fires of Pompeii

4x03 Planet of the Ood

4x04 The Sontaran Stratagem (1 of 2)

4x05 The Poison Sky (2 of 2)

4x06 The Doctor’s Daughter

4x07 The Unicorn and the Wasp

4x08 Silence in the Library (1 of 2)

4x09 Forest of the Dead (2 of 2)

4x10 Midnight

4x11 Turn Left

4x12 The Stolen Earth

4x13 Journey’s End

4x14 The Next Doctor (Christmas Special 2008)

4x15 Planet of the Dead

4x16 Waters of Mars

4x17 The End of Time, Part One (Christmas Special 2009)

4x18 The End of Time, Part Two

Series Five ~

5x01 The Eleventh Hour

5x02 The Beast Below

5x03 Victory of the Daleks

5x04 The Time of Angels

5x05 Flesh and Stone

5x06 Vampires of Venice

5x07 Amy’s Choice

5x08 The Hungry Earth

5x09 Cold Blood

5x10 Vincent and the Doctor

5x11 The Lodger

5x12 The Pandorica Opens

5x13 The Big Bang

Series Six ~

6x00 A Christmas Carol (Christmas Special 2010)

6x01 The Impossible Astronaut (1 of 2)

6x02 Day Of The Moon (2 of 2)

6x03 The Curse Of The Black Spot

6x04 The Doctor’s Wife

6x05 The Rebel Flesh (1 of 2)

6x06 The Almost People (2 of 2)

6x07 A Good Man Goes To War

6x08 Let’s Kill Hitler

6x09 Night Terrors

6x10 The Girl Who Waited

6x11 The God Complex

6x12 Closing Time

6x13 The Wedding Of River Song


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