01 декабря 2011 года в01.12.2011 17:37 1 0 10 1

Hello! Today is brilliant. What's up?

Tomorrow I'm going to go theatre with half class. I'm waiting nothing from it. But I want to look this representation. I hope that tomorrow'll good too.

By the first day of winter.

Today is "World AIDS Day". Every day, 1,000 babies born with HIV, infected by their mothers during pregnancy or birth. Imagine how many there are, 1,000 babies EVERY day. . UNICEF aims to achieve an AIDS-free generation by 2015 with no children are infected with HIV. It certainly sounds difficult, but with proper medication and follow-up to over 90% of children at risk to be born HIV-negative!Nobody in the world should be born HIV-positive, and this works for UNICEF. They focus on preventing transmission from mother to child, medical treatment of children, prevention of infection and protection of orphans and vulnerable children.Lackson and his mother Agness has been through a program to prevent that she transmitted the infection to him during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Now Lackson declared HIV free!

I hope that they'll be healthy.


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