daha :
no-nick :
safri :
Сокращения и аббревиатуры SMS
@ - at
MOB - mobile
AFAIK - as far as I know
MSG - message
ATB - all the best
MYOB - mind your own business
B - be
NE1 - anyone
BBL - be back late(r)
NO1 - no one
BCNU - be seeing you
OIC - oh I see
B4 - before
PCM - please call me
BRB - be right back
PLS - please
BTW - by the way
PPL - people
C - see
RUOK - are you okay?
CUL8R - see you later
SIT - stay in touch
F2F - face to face
SPK - speak
F2T - free to talk
THKQ - thank you
FYI - for your information
TTYL - talk to you
GAL - get a life
TX - thanks
GR8 - great
U - you
HAND - have a nice day
WAN2TLK - want to talk?
H8 - hate
IC - I see
WKND - weekend
ILUVU - I love you
WU - what's up?
IMHO - in my humble opinion
X - kiss
JIC - just in case
XLNT - excellent
JK - just kidding
XOXOX - hugs and kisses
KIT - keep in touch
YR - your
KWIM - know what I mean
2NITE - tonight
L8R - later
3SUM - threesome
LOL- lots of luck / laughing out loud