21 июля 2010 года в21.07.2010 13:10 0 0 10 1

Bold the ones that apply to you

I like my name.
I have a best friend.
My best friend is younger than me.
My best friend is older than me.
I have no friends.
I have too many friends.
I always answer my phone.
I never answer my phone.
I answer my phone most of the time.
I play along with prank callers.
I hate when people don’t reply to my text message/take forever to reply.
I have/had blonde hair.
I have/had brown hair.
I have/had red hair.
I have dyed my hair more than five times.
I have never dyed my hair.
I hate when people can’t spell words right.
I get made fun of for things that aren’t even true.
I get made fun of for how I dress.
I get made fun of for something natural that I can’t change.
My iPod/mp3 has over 1000 songs on it.
My iPod/mp3 has less than 500 songs on it.
I rarely drink soda.
I never drink soda.
I love soda.
I love iced tea.
I love ice cream, even in the winter.
I love scarves.
I love skinny jeans.
I don’t own any skinny jeans.
I have blue eyes.
I have brown eyes.
I have green eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
I have grey eyes.
My eyes change colours.
I think a lot of people are hot but I rarely crush on someone.
I’ve been in a relationship for over a year.
I’m straight.
I’m gay.
I love the smel of petrol.
I love the smell of freshly mowed grass.
I’m an alcoholic.
I’ve drank beer.
I love beer.
I don’t like beer.
I have white walls.
I have posters up on my walls.
I love to draw and doodle.
I’m failing at least one class.
I have a lot of self confidence.
I could use some more self confidence.
I’m over 21.
I love music.
I love the Beatles.
I love local bands and musicians.
I hate music.
I prefer things that are on the radio or TV.
I prefer things that not many people have heard of.
I talk a lot.
I’m very quiet.
I’ve finished high school.
I’m still in high school.
I have more than one favourite colour.
I enjoy dragons.
I have/had a collection.
I like to read.
I like horror movies.
I like romance movies.
I like comedies.
I like extremely old movies.
I have a lot of patience.
I could use some more patience.
I’m a pathological liar.
The colours in my room all match.
I’ve won an award of some sort.
I’ve played baseball/softball on a team.
I’ve played basketball on a team.
I’ve played football on a team.
I’ve been to New York City.
I have a Blackberry.
I have a Nokia.
I have a Samsung.
I love nature.
I love photography.
I just don’t get photography.
I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
I have a fear of spiders.
I’m afraid of ghosts.
I love ghosts.
I’m intelligent about technology and how it works.
I text very fast.
I hate watching people take five minutes to send a short text.
I text slowly.
The solar system interests me.
I want to go to space.
I have short hair.
I have shoulder length hair.
I have hair past my shoulders.
I have hair past my boobs.
I have a side of my hair shaved.
I want to get a haircut.
I can’t stand the Twilight series.
I hate someone I used to be good friends with.
I don’t curse.
I’ve memorized lyrics to over 1000 songs.
I hate winter.
I hate summer.
I think too much.
I think too little.
I wish I was older.
I wish I was younger.
I like my age.
I’ve never been to a concert.
The band I want to see live isn’t touring.
I’ve met someone famous.
I’ve seen someone famous at the mall/on a walk/etc.
I’ve never met anyone famous.
My phone is black.
My phone is red.
My phone is silver.
I’ve painted/put stickers on my phone.
I have nice handwriting.
I have illegible handwriting.
I have freckles.
I hate myself most of the time.
I hate myself all of the time.
I like poetry.
I can’t stand poetry.
I like to write.
I hate writing.
I type fast.
I think school should be shorter.
I think school should be longer.
I’ve cried myself to sleep.
I cry easily.
I go to the movies almost every week or every week.
I rarely go to the movies because I’m picky about what I want to see.
I rarely go to the movies because no one ever wants to go with me.
I always feel alone in a crowded room.
I love being the centre of attention.
I laugh when people fall.
It takes me a while to understand jokes.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I sleep with over five pillows.
I own something that I’ve had my whole life and means a lot to me.
I play piano.
I play guitar.
I play trumpet.
I play drums.
I play bass.
I play clarinet.
I play flute.
I don’t play an instrument.


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