21 ноября 2011 года в21.11.2011 22:49 3 0 10 1

something happens

merlin: gaius i think it's magic

gauis: it's not magic

merlin: but it is

gauis: no it's not merlin

arthur/uther: what is it gaius

gaius: it's magic

merlin: wtf gaius

merlin: gaius can i fix it

gaius: no merlin there's nothing you can do everyone is going to die

merlin: omg no i have to save arthur

gaius: well there is one way but it's too dangerous don't do it

merlin: okay i promise

gaius: -tells merlin what he isn't supposed to do-


kilgharrah: wat

merlin: what should i do

kilgharrah: do nothing

merlin: no help me fix this people will die

kilgharrah: lol

merlin: you have to help me

kilgharrah: no

merlin: i command you i am a dragonlord

kilgharrah: omg you absolute dick

gaius: did you do what i told you not to

merlin: no

gaius: yes u did

merlin: i know lol

merlin: -saves the day-

arthur: look i saved the day

gwaine: i'm beautiful

cue shitty violin music while arthur and gwen kiss


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