17 ноября 2011 года в17.11.2011 21:21 1 0 10 1

чисто для истории.

Предварительные вопросики для теста, который в понедельник -_-

Study Questions based on Textbook/Lectures/Course Reader

1. What is the significance of International Relations as a field of study?

2. Who are the actors in international relations and how have their roles changed over the centuries?

3. What are the key differences between international and domestic politics?

4. What was the significance of the Peace of Westphalia?

5. How did the Congress of Vienna impact international relations in Europe?

6. Compare and contrast the Realist and Idealist/Liberal view of international relations. Which do you find more persuasive?

7. Compare and contrast the Realist, Idealist/Liberal, Constructivist, Feminist, and Neo-Marxist perspectives about the anarchic nature of the international system.

8. Explain the concept of balance of power and bandwagoning. Which policies are more desirable for states to adopt? Give historical and theoretical evidence.

9. If an international conference of states was held this year to discuss the future of the world order, would you recommend that the world community embrace a balance of power or a collective security approach? Why?

10. Think of a foreign policy decision taken by a state, and list the factors that might have influenced that decision at all of the levels of analysis. Which, if any, of the levels seems primary in this case and why?

11. To what extent can we say that the UN has fulfilled its purpose of maintaining peace and security in the international system? What reforms, if any, do you think could help the UN do a better job?

Study Questions based on Workshop Cases

  • What were the actions taken by the Kennedy Administration after U.S. intelligence discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba? Evaluate the wisdom of those actions.
  • Explain the significance of the Gorbachev era to Sino-Soviet-American Relations.
  • Explain the reaction of the Arab states and their leaders after Menachem Begin and Anwar El Sadat signed the peace treaty at Camp David. Were these reactions helpful to the peace process?
  • Evaluate the success or failure of the League of Nation in dealing with interstate conflicts..
  • Define the crucial provisions of the Bush doctrine adopted after September 11th. Evaluate the wisdom of these provisions.
  • Elaborate on the achievements and failures of the American intervention in Afghanistan in light of the war on terror.
  • Describe the West’s concerns regarding the North Korean nuclear programme. What can be done to resolve the issue?
  • Elaborate on the political and ideological reasons which laid foundations to the post-1990s military conflicts in Chechnya.
  • Define the reasons for the North-South trade mismanagement.
  • Describe the reasons why democratic states may be restricted in the successful conduct of warfare in light of US intervention in Vietnam.
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