May the odds be ever in your favor!
Трейлер превзашел все мои ожидания. Такого размаха я просто немгла предвидеть: дикарации, спецэффекты, актёры, всё, всё просто идеально!
Вчера умышленно ничего не писала, лубовалась на посты других и пресматривала трейлер снова и снова. Сегодня не торопясь всё сделала: сделала скрин капсы, а из них анимации, почти весь трейлер разложила на анимации, потому что понравилось всё, и это нужно мне для меня самой.
— We could do it, you know? Take off, live in the woods.
- They’d catch us.
- Maybe not.
- We wouldn’t make it five miles.
Гейл говорит, что улыбаюсь я только в лесу.
— Welcome, welcome… The time has come to select one courageous young man and woman for be honor of representing District 12 in the 74th Annual Hunger Games.
— It’s your first year Prim. Your name has only been in there once. They’re not gunna pick you.
— Primrose Everdeen!
- Prim! No! No! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!
— Our tributes- Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen!
— They just want a good show, that's all they want!
- There's 24 of us, Gale. Only one comes out.
— So you’re here to make me look pretty.
- We're here to help you make an impression.
— And so it was decreed thet each year the 12 districts of Panem shall offer up in tribute, one young man and woman, between the ages of 12 and 18, to be trained in the art of survival, and to be prepared to fight to the death.
— This is the time to show them everything. Make sure they remember you.
— I just keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don’t own me. If I’m gonna die, I wanna still be me.
- I just can’t afford to think like that.
Этот фильм изменит каждого из нас.
Ten. Nane. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One
Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy‑fourth Hunger Games begin!