Day 01- Favorite Season
Day 02- Favorite Character
Day 03- Least Favorite Character
Day 04- Favorite Monica Moment
Day 05- Favorite Couple
Day 06- Favorite Rachel Moment
Day 07- Favorite Female
Day 08- Favorite Phoebe Moment
Day 09- Least Favorite Female
Day 10- Favorite Chandler Moment
Day 11- Favorite Male
Day 12- Favorite Picture of the cast
Day 13- Favorite Joey Moment
Day 14- Least Favorite Male
Day 15- Favorite Ross Moment
Day 16- Favorite Guest Star
Day 17- Least Favorite Guest Star
Day 18- Favorite Episode
Day 19- Favorite song of Phoebe’s
Day 20- Best wedding
Day 21- Least Favorite Couple
Day 22- Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 23- When did you start watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.?
Day 24- Favorite Quote
Day 25- Most touching Episode, in your opinion
Day 26- How did you feel when F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ended?
Day 27- Did you watch the Joey spinoff show?
Day 28- Favorite actor/actress
Day 29- Least Favorite actor/actress
Day 30- Favorite Younger Days/Flashback scene