28 октября 2011 года в28.10.2011 10:32 0 0 10 1



Наконец-то досмотрела The 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments. Просто нет слов. Ностальгиия.


50. Harry, Ron and Hermione’s First Meeting – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

49. Welcome to the Ministry of Magic – (Order of the Phoenix) 

48. Ron’s Howler – (Chamber of Secrets) 

47. The Mirror Of Erised – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

46. Harry and Hermione Dancing – (Deathly Hallows Part 1) 

45. Dobby – (Chamber of Secrets)


44. Dementors on the Train – (Prisoner of Azkaban)
43. Harry and Ron in a Flying Car – (Chamber of Secrets) 

42. The Knight Bus – (Prisoner of Azkaban) 

41. Sirius Black and Harry – (Prisoner of Azkaban)


40. The Quidditch World Cup – (Goblet of Fire) 

39. Harry and Ron’s Argument – (Deathly Hallows Part 1) 

38. Cornish Pixies – (Chamber of Secrets) 

37. Lupin turns into a Werewolf – (Prisoner of Azkaban) 

36. Harry’s First Kiss – (Order of the Phoenix) 

35. Harry’s left at Privet Drive – (Philosopher’s Stone)


34. The Yule Ball – (Goblet of Fire) 

33. Aunt Marge’s Comeuppance – (Prisoner of Azkaban)
32. Owls Deliver Hogwarts Letter – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

31. Harry returns with Cedric’s Body – (Goblet of Fire)


30. Dolores Umbridge Punishes Harry – (Order of the Phoenix) 

29. Millennium Bridge Destroyed – (Half Blood Prince) 

28. Dumbledore Drinks to Uncover a Horcrux – (Half Blood Prince)
27. The Seven Harry’s – (Deathly Hallows Part 1)
26. The Tale of the Three Brothers – (Deathly Hallows Part 1) 

25. The Chess Room – (Philosopher’s Stone)


24. Ollivander’s Wand Shop – (Philosopher’s Stone)
23. The Triwizard Tournament, The Black Lake – (Goblet of Fire)
22. Dementors in the Underpass – (Order of the Phoenix) 

21. Harry Summons his Patronus – (Prisoner of Azkaban)
20. Ron’s Love Potion – (Half Blood Prince) 

19. Polyjuice Potion – (Chamber of Secrets) 

18. Ron Destroys the Horcrux – (Deathly Hallows Part 1)


17. Lord Voldemort is Reborn – (Goblet of Fire) 

16. The Arrival of Beauxbatons – (Goblet of Fire)
15. Bathilda Bagshot – (Deathly Hallows Part 1) 

14. The Sorting Ceremony – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

13. Buckbeak the Hippogriff – (Prisoner of Azkaban) 

12. Sirius Black Dies – (Order of the Phoenix)


11. Voldemort Vs Harry – (Goblet of Fire) 

10. “You’re a Wizard Harry” – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

9. First Quidditch Match – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

8. Platform 9 3/4 – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

7. Fred and George’s Fireworks – (Order of the Phoenix)


6. Hermione Punches Malfoy – (Prisoner of Azkaban) 

5. Diagon Alley is Revealed for the First Time – (Philosopher’s Stone) 

4. Voldemort Vs Dumbledore – (Order of the Phoenix) 

3. Dobby Dies – (Deathly Hallows Part 1) 

2. Death of Dumbledore – (Half Blood Prince) 

1. First Sight of Hogwarts – (Philosopher’s Stone)


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