Day 1 - The first 3oh!3 song you ever heard.
Day 2 - The 3oh!3 song you have listened to the most.
Day 3 - Your favorite picture of Nat.
Day 4 - Your favorite picture of Sean.
Day 5 - Your favorite music video they have done.
Day 6 - Favorite album (3oh!3, Want or Streets of Gold) and why.
Day 7 - Favorite song not on an album that 3oh!3 is in. (Don’t Trust Me remix, Follow Me Down, Hey, Blah Blah Blah)
Day 8 - Favorite picture of Nat and Sean together.
Day 9 - A picture of you doing the 3oh!3 sign.
Day 10 - How did you become a fan of 3oh!3?
Day 11 - Your favorite interview.
Day 12 - Favorite song off their self-titled album.
Day 13 - Least favorite song.
Day 14 - Which intro song do you prefer: Tapp or Beaumont?
Day 15 - A paragraph explanation of why you love 3oh!3.