25 октября 2011 года в25.10.2011 12:37 0 0 10 1

Вы читали статью, которую написали фанаты "Голодных Игр", по поводу отсрочивания интервью Джоша на MTV?

В ней подробно описываются дела, которыми можно занятся, что бы не сойти с ума в это, непростое для всех фанатов, время. Статья ниже, осебенно смешные моменты я подчеркнула.

In what is probably some sort of record for hyped-up entertainment media stories, Josh Hutcherson’s interview with MTV’s New Class has been delayed for a third straight week at the request of Lionsgate. This time, we weren’t even given a new publication date, just promises that a major announcement will be published with the interview “soon”.

It’s nice to know that Lionsgate enjoys cockblocking media outlets just as much as they do fans, but it’s no longer cute at this point. Hell, Lionsgate and MTV are BROS. Why would you do that to your homeslice?!

Even if that interview comes wrapped in free movie tickets and the cave scene from the film and bacon, we’re still not going to be happy with Lionsgate’s inability to get it together in a more timely, less painstaking way.

So while Lionsgate and MTV work together in perfect harmony to shorten the lifespan of every eager Hunger Games fan the world over, we’ve thought of some things you can do to keep yourself occupied until the cool kids decide to play with us.

Bother someone other than Kara Warner

This poor woman. As someone who has dabbled in journalism (aka someone who decided it was a good idea to get a degree in the dying industry), I can say that there’s a certain sense of pride when you know you’ve done a really good interview. Kara was excited, so she told fans early on that she has a fantastic interview with Josh on the way. Then the studio (which we really hope means Lionsgate and not some corporate strategist at MTV with his pants on too tight) delays the interview release date once, twice, three times!

If anything, Kara is probably more frustrated about this than fans. It doesn’t help that with every delay, she has to answer and apologize to every fan who tweets her whining “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DELAY’?!”

Hunt down Josh Hutcherson in person and force him to tell you his secrets

Clearly, the only reason this interview is being held for so long is because Josh Hutcherson revealed some heavy duty secrets. At this point, they better be less quirky set secrets and more like top government secrets. We’re talking District 13 shizz. I mean, they wouldn’t hold back a typical “discuss the film and your time on set” interview just to torture us, would they? ..Would they?!

The only way to remedy this is to discover these secrets BEFORE the interview’s release. Fly to LA, find Josh Hutcherson, get him drunk, and force him to repeat as much of that interview as he can remember. Then post it all over the Internet and brag about your Tumblr having a faster turnout than MTV.

Translate The Hunger Games series into Latin

Seriously. We think you’ll have enough time to learn Latin and do this before we actually see an interview or trailer. At the very least, we’re going to guess you’ve got until Thanksgiving weekend, when all the big movie specials typically take place. Translating books is more productive than banging your head against a wall repeatedly in that time period!

Sneak into the Lionsgate film office, steal an early cut of the film, and post it on the Internet for all to see.

That’s right! Fanboys style.. except more successful. Sure, you’ll likely be caught and thrown in jail for a plethora of charges, but you will forever be known as the fan who liberated all the other Hunger Games fans from the tyranny of President Snow, we mean, Lionsgate! And frankly, once we’ve all seen the film, the whole MTV interview will kind of be irrelevant.

For a long time, we’ve been adhering to the laws of “Keep Calm and Wait for Some Press”, but at this point, we can’t do it anymore. If Lionsgate were an attractive man, we still wouldn’t date him because of his total lack of commitment toward relationships with fans.

C’mon Lionsgate… LET ME LOVE YOU!

How we WANT to feel about Lionsgate

—The Girl With The Pearl


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